How to treat prostatitis with folk remedies, effective recipes

Prostatitis is a disease that affects the prostate gland. Its development is influenced by various bacteria, viruses and fungal pathogens. Depending on the form and cause of the disease, it is treated as a medication under the supervision of a doctor, and prostatitis is treated with folk remedies, below are recipes for treatment at home.

Symptoms of prostatitis

The disease is most common in middle-aged men. The main reason for the development of the disease is the low level of sexual activity. A special risk group is men with bad habits and a constant sedentary lifestyle who like to bathe.

All this causes the lymph to stagnate, starting with a change in hormonal balance and blood circulation. As a result, the body's defenses are reduced, and this is fraught with the virus and bacteria easily entering the prostate gland.

If you don’t deal with the treatment of prostatitis, it quickly becomes chronic.

The first signs of the disease to look out for:

  • painful sensations in the groin, testicles and penis
  • the appearance of a few drops of urine when landing on a chair, even if the urine had just occurred
  • pain on emptying
  • the temperature has risen
  • mild erection
  • poor health in general

When the disease becomes chronic, a man’s sexual desire and sexual feelings decrease significantly.

Prostatitis is treated at home

Acute and complicated forms of prostatitis are treated only under the supervision of a doctor. Blood and urine tests are prescribed for the presence of viruses and microorganisms and for uroflowmetry. Treatment is prescribed based on test results.

It can be a course of antibiotics, or immunostimulants, physiotherapy, laser therapy. If the disease becomes severe, the treatment is performed surgically, that is, surgery is performed.

Treatment of prostatitis at home with folk remedies is performed only in the case of a mild form of the disease or relapse. There are very effective folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis that help all people to relieve the manifestations of unpleasant symptoms.

honey and herbs for the treatment of prostatitis

If the disease is chronic, a medicine derived from pumpkin seeds is used. To do this, grind 500 g of pumpkin seeds with a meat grinder, add 200 g of honey and make walnut balls.

Every day you should eat a few balls before eating, chew thoroughly for 3 minutes. This should be done until all the pumpkin balls have run out. As a general rule, there is no setback throughout the year.

Treating prostatitis with folk remedies perfectly helps to avoid complications.

You can also find the most effective prescriptions from a doctor and men who have already tried these or those prescriptions. In combination with medication, approximately 500 ml of various juices should be ingested. Juices made from asparagus, cucumber, carrot and beetroot are ideal. 1 tablespoon elderberry on an empty stomach for at least a week.

Aspen bark tincture

The bark of the poplar tree is often used to treat prostatitis. To make the tincture, use poplar bark, which must be collected before the buds appear on the branches of the tree. This can be done after the first half of April. It is best to harvest 3-5 mm of bark.

The bark should then be dried thoroughly, either in the oven or in a dry, dark place. After the crust has dried, 100 g of crust should be ground and 200 g of vodka or alcohol should be added to completely immerse the crust in the liquid. Then just close the bottle tightly and place it in an unlit place for a few weeks.

Use the tincture up to three times a day, 15 drops, diluted in a quarter glass before meals. If you take the tincture every day, it will last up to 2, 5 months.

Parsley as a treatment

The huge storehouse of parsley has useful and medicinal properties that help to eliminate inflammation and restore the reproductive system. Despite the fact that this plant is used regularly during cooking, despite its pleasant taste, parsley is one of the most famous herbs for treatment and prevention as it contains plenty of essential minerals and vitamins.

100 grams of parsley contains two servings of vitamin A a day, which is very important for the eyes. The content of vitamin C is almost 4 times higher than in lemon. Parsley contains an irreplaceable ingredient for our body such as insulin - a natural substitute for insulin, involved in regulating blood sugar levels.

It is the best food source for the intestinal microflora. You can make parsley juice and drink 1 tablespoon of it. spoon half an hour before lunch.

Its seeds are very useful. Grind 30 g of seeds into a powder, make up to boiling water and boil for a maximum of 10 minutes. When it all cools down, drink a tablespoon up to 5 times a day.

Homemade honey candles

Special candles are used to treat the disease and are stored in the refrigerator.

To make special candles you will need:

  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • egg;
  • 3 tablespoons. tablespoons flour.

All ingredients should be mixed into a homogeneous mass to form candles. 2 treatments required: put a candle in the morning and evening with a 10-day break for a month.

Using pears

Everything is simple here. You only need to drink pear compote, but no added sugar. Suitable for handling both fresh and dried pears. The most suitable is a pear that grows independently in the fields, plantings. The compote also helps diabetics as it regulates sugar content.

Use of coniferous baths

Treat prostate disease at home and with a pine needle bath. It perfectly copes with the removal of inflammatory processes, helps to relax and relieve pain. Pharmacy tincture is also suitable for such a bath, but you can make it yourself. The temperature should not be high, up to 37 ° C. You need as much water as you can for a dive to the waist, you can use a wide pool for this. You should take a coniferous bath no more than 20 minutes before going to bed.